Sky Patterson(白龍) attended the University of Southern California where he studied Theatre and Chinese language while captaining both the Tae Kwon Do and Wushu martial arts teams. After graduation he moved to Beijing, China where he competed internationally and appeared in several feature films. His athletic achievements include Gold Medal at the International Shaolin Temple Cultural Festival and Grand Champion at the Long Beach International Karate Championships. He has appeared in the films Tai Chi Zero and The Kung Fu Master, and most recently in the music video The Matrimony with artists Wale and Usher. Sky grew up in Portland, Oregon and resides in Los Angeles.






回到洛杉磯後,他不僅獲得眾多好萊塢導演和製片人的青睞(最近出演了著名歌星Wale和Usher的MV——The Matrimony婚禮),於此同時,他還在洛杉磯華人社區極受歡迎,做為主持人和表演嘉賓他頻頻出現在各種大型晚會中,其中包括“第二屆美國華人微春晚”、“第十二屆美國華人春節聯歡晚會”、“天馬訊達迎春年會”等。





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